GreenTRIP Connect Additional Resources


Here is a list of free tools and resources that we recommend to complement GreenTRIP Connect:

MTC's Value Pricing Pilot (VPP) Parking Project
Research and implementation of pricing approaches to address transportation issues.

Allows drivers to find the closest parking to their destination, how much it will cost, and whether the space is available.

Great Communities Collaborative (GCC) Toolkit
A compendium of resources to help those advocating for equitable transit-oriented development. Developed by GreenTRIP Program Manager, Ann Cheng.

SUMC Shared Use Mobility Calculator
Quantifies the benefits of implementing shared mobility, including vehicle miles traveled, greenhouse gas emissions, and financial savings.

All Transportation is Local: A Field Guide for City Leaders
Published by TransitCenter, this handbook provides practical strategies for local elected officials interested in improving their transportation systems. Be sure to check out the spotlifght on GreenTRIP Connect on pages 32 and 34. 

A platform for cities and municipalities to showcase priority areas for new development, and for real estate professionals to browse potential sites.

TransForm's blog on California AB 744
Read our re-cap of the passage of AB 744, the bill we co-sponsored that requires cities to dramatically lower parking requirements for affordable, senior and special needs housing near public transit.

Empty Spaces: Real parking needs at five TODs
Report from Smart Growth America illustrating the reduced need for parking at transit-oriented developments: "TODs generated fewer vehicle trips than standard guidelines estimate, and used less parking than many regulations require for similar land uses."

SCAG Toolbox Tuesday Webinar on GreenTRIP Connect - June 6, 2017
"Using GreenTRIP Connect to Gain Community Support and Win Cap and Trade Funding for Transit Oriented Developments." Read on for more information and a recording of the webinar.

National Center for Sustainable Transportation Webinar Featuring GreenTRIP Connect - May 24, 2017
"Quantifying Vehicle Miles Traveled" - exploring the tools and methods currently available to estimate the VMT – and associated greenhouse gas – impacts of proposed land use projects. Read on for more information and a recording of the webinar.

UC Berkeley Terner Center - Housing Development Dashboard
The Development Calculator allows users to estimate the probability that a given development project will be built, given a particular set of policies and economic conditions. The Policy Gauge assesses the cumulative impact that a policy change might have on housing production across an entire jurisdiction.

Affordable Colleges Online - How the Sharing Economy Can Help College Students Save Money
Student-oriented guide for saving money through carsharing, bikesharing, and other strategies.